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Old 01-06-2012, 12:54 PM   #516
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Re: 1966 SBBW pro street

Well had a great work day on the's been sitting a while so I didn't want to take any chances....drained the oil poured it back in the top half on each side.....pulled the distributor out and drove the oil pump until it came back up into the pushrods and heads...pulled the plugs ( which was a pain because i had to take the headers off to get at 3 of the plugs,apparently there is going to be a modification of the bolt flange before those go back on )..light spray of WD40 into the cylinders.Polished both value covers and breathers,polished some of the other bits and parts. Rolled it over by hand a bit while the plugs were out and it's all good and ready to go . I hope at some point on the weekend to fire it up and hear it run....
1966 Pro street build[
1958 LS 2 build
1966 SBFS low and go
1966 SBFS street HULK

Poject Low and go gets a 6.2 ltr LSA supercharged with 6 speed automatic

Aluinum Radiator Dealer pm for details
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