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Old 01-06-2012, 06:03 PM   #2
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Posts: 102
Re: hydraulic / pneumatic to full pneumatic air compressor conversion

I tied it all together and mounted to my wall in my cramped/ unorganized work dungeon. I placed it at an angle in hopes that the slight rise would trap more water. I acquired a 3/8 filter set up from work that was going to be trashed. There is a bolt on one of the bowels to stop a leak. I still need to find a way to block the hole in the bottom of the other but the price was right.

I needed a fender washer and found 2 at my house that literary cost 1 penny. I do not think the government will miss it judging by there spending habits.

I am also going to make a intake filter. It smelled like bondo when i emptied the tank and it was muddy. The compressor is in a basement away from my carport / work area. Its a good place to keep it running cool but a bad place for mosture.
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