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Old 01-07-2012, 10:05 PM   #13
I am a Referee of life.
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Re: bad things can happen with fast air bags

I wish someone had of videoed the first fast bags I ever saw in action.Stock looking and height Dodge truck,nearly brand new,at a cruise night.Two guys with their heads together and nearly inside the open window.The owner stood acroos the aisle from them and watched until the were heads in and oogling his interior.Then he hit the wireless remote and dropped the truck to the rockers.Just missed hitting both of them in the head and they probably had to have "special service" at the laundry.
I didn't understand it then and still don't.If you like bags,that's cool,just don't set them up where they can tear up what you worked so hard on.I think they are the perfect choice for the work/tow rig AKA Saturday Night Special.
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