Thread: Torchered
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Old 01-09-2012, 07:13 PM   #121
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Re: Torchered

Originally Posted by MJs69CST View Post
Absolutely love your build!!

Originally Posted by crappiewrangler View Post
WOW this thing is coming together. I love where this started and where it is now. I have a feeling mine will be the same way... Keep up the good work
Its hard when you start investing so much into a vehicle to stop at normal, regular. or under the value of your desired end result.

I didn't see this posted earlier, an update on the wheels; Centerline - Oh my I cant say what I want to. Not only did they make the wrong wheels and take three months to do so they then took another month and a half to tell me they could not get smooth rings sourced in. So I was stuck with what they produced. Nadda, they can keep there order mistake.
Now I am talking to Bonspeed wheels and I have to say I wish they had more designs but I love talking to Brad. Best sales and service guy ever - this guy has aways got it done for me and does not mind telling you his opinion if your willing to listen.
The choices are as follows;

The Big Block, Medusa Or Velocity.

And If you dont like them please dont suggest the huntington. "Norm" isn't in my language. The Royals are on my Nova, Yes that was an odd choice but I wouldn't take it back. They took that rust bucket to a hole new level.

From the sounds of it the grill will be going on this week and some bumper trimming should be done. I do not know if the Instrument cluster is done but Ill get a picture when I stop by Wednesday.

Thanks for looking
69 C10 "Torchered"

RC Crawler Nut
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