hey blazer,
what are you mad because I am voicing my opinion. and by the way am am 30. That is not what I am saying about the service"I figured I would just post them to let people know what I have" Like I said if you want to type crap type it to someone else. I am sorry I stick up for myself and all of you three want to poke well I am sorry you poke I will shove. I like the way you all treat your new members. A lot of the people are great but I guess a few really suck! Thanks for the nice welcome to the board guys! Any time you would liek to talk about this matter you can email me and I will be more than glad to give you my phone number! If you want you can also elaborate your statement. You know what screwit I am not going to waiste my time on you two fools I have better things to do, then toy with childish minds such as yourself. Right along with your brother Dr. Phil.
Last edited by Splendidfoods; 09-02-2003 at 10:59 AM.