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Old 01-11-2012, 08:43 PM   #22
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Location: Burlington, wi.
Posts: 254
Re: Plastic piece right under the vent window for the screw

I've researched this a bunch from other threads and the Internet and I've heard some peaple say how there original 69, 70, or 71 blazer didn't have door screws and I've also heard some peaple say that there's did have door screws. From my research I've found there are two types of screw "bushings" one is a metal type and one is a plastic type. I do know that all doors (both trucks and blazers) in '72 had the screw below the vent window and used the metal "bushing". These 72 "bushings" and screw head were recessed in the door so they wouldnt stick out past the door shell.

Now as for the plastic "bushings" from what I've found is they were used on 69-72 blazers only and were never used on truck doors. The plastic "bushings" also stick out a bit from the door. My understanding is that if there is no screw on your blazer door you proly have a cut down truck door or after market door. But it is a possibility that some assembly plants didn't or did put them in the door. Or maybe stock was low for the "bushing" so they didn't put in the hole.

I hope this helped, I'll try to find some pics of the different "bushings"

This is what i've found to be true from my research and I could be wrong but If anyone has more or better info feel free to give more input.
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