Thread: 700r4 to 400
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Old 09-02-2003, 05:31 PM   #1
Car Knocker
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700r4 to 400

A freind of mine has had it with the 700r4 in is 93 truck. Wants to go to a 400 turbo. anybody know of a web site that will give me the diminsions of each so we can get his driveshaft redone. He will have to lengthen won't he? Long wheel base truck so how long is to long ( in the driveshaft dept). anybody have any experience in doing this? thanks Jay
68 c-10,91 sportside bed,350 .030 over,4 bolt,10-1 comp,2.05 intake/1.94 exhaust,1.6 Harland Sharp roller rockers,edelbrock rpm cam and intake w/750 carb, 700r4, 3.73 gears,Jacabbs Electronic Igntion w/Accel HEI distributer and super coil. ZR-1 roll pan, filled tailights. Blazer tank. Hidden hitch. 2 1/2" Flowmaster 40's. Parts bought but not installed>> ford 9" posi with disc. CCP front and rear lowering kit 4/5. Cab corners,foor boards,rockers, cab braces, Phatom grill, Painless wiring kit.
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