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Old 09-02-2003, 07:29 PM   #9
Phillip Johnson
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Location: Grants Pass, Oregon
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Dark Olive.. Ya got me wrong. I think that the shipping will be as much as the worth. I asked you at the beginning to tell me what it was worth. Thats all. Right now, the frame that the one in the picture is on is backed up to a fence and would be a real pain to take off. I have been going through my boxes of stuff that I moved up here a year ago and still have yet to find the other one that I know I have. I would say $25 plus shipping. Thats if I can find the thing. It may still be at my ranch in Chico. If so, ill be there in a few weeks and look if you are not in a hurry. How is that? I just want to be fair with you.
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