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Old 09-02-2003, 10:02 PM   #1
ran out of money
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: northern, NJ
Posts: 925
Question a bunch of questions

ok here we go... i have a 71 c-10 2 wheel drive with a 3 speed and a 350 p/s and non power brakes... it is mainly stock.... i lowered it and thats about it... now for my questions-
1) what do i need to do to hook up power brakes? i know i need a vacume line but i took the plug out of the intake and am running a rat fink license plate holder that folds up... so what do i connect to then
2) i am doing transmissions in school so i am going to build me a nice 700r4.. but i am having a hard time figuring out how it is going to mount, right now i have a cross member holding up my bell housing and the trans floats off that. what do i do about a different cross member?
3) this is not going to be as soon as the others, but what would you guys recomend for a nice 383 combo? i don't have engine class for a few weeks but once i do i want to be ready to build me my 383 with tons of power and torque

thanks for all your help, any suggestions are welcome.... plus if anyone is interested in a 72 front clip (firewall forward) let me know... my teach has one and all i want is the grill... but supposedly everything else is in great condition... he might have some nice burban doors also
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