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Old 01-14-2012, 02:45 AM   #2
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Re: Phase II?

Jeff gave me a good little 350 to work with but I'm not a fan of SBC especially for what I do.. After putting an LS2 in this

a few years ago I knew I could never go back to a SBC. I got spoiled..haha

So out with the old..

and the new... LS6 forged bottom end but mostly stock everything else. Some kid was building it for his Camaro but needed money so I bought the short block and have been trading alot of the go fast parts for reliable streetable parts that I can use. Head's were $300, Intake, fuel rail, injector's, throttle body, valve cover's valley pan $400.00 I traded the cam straight up for a smaller one, sold the #50 lb injector's and still money ahead. Man I love

And as of tonight Nate sent me some new mounts to try with this motor

So maybe tomorrow I will see if this thing fit's. I have a game plan with the drive accessories but we will see if I can make it work

That's all for now..
Chuck D
66 C10 LS6/4L65e
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