I got the horn working in mine.
Use the horn slip ring from your column mounted in your truck right now. ON the tube that has the horn contact in it, grab the metal tip and jerk it out with some pliers or the all mighty vice grips.
Then, take the horn wire that was hooked to teh horn button on the new wheel (if it is missing, you can grab one at the junk yard quite easily, and if they charge you than they are A-holes) you'll need to shave the nipples off the plastic piece.
*Politically Correct statement*Don't be stupid and slice your thumb off...you won't look as cool with a thumb missing. (OK...maybe it wasn't so PC)
Once you have both nipples shaved off, shove that end down into the tube on the slip ring. The remains of the nipples will hold it in place indefinatly. Install the steering wheel (you did have it 100% straight ahead when you removed the old one...right?) and plug the wire to the horn button.
Your horn should work...or at least your horn relay should click every time you hit the horn button.