Originally Posted by PHAT TONY
'Bout time we see more of this than that 1 1/4X1 1/2 avatar pic! I ain't even gonna say how SLOW mine fills gas with the marker light mod; glad yours worked out with a different tank. Factory wheel studs in the rear? I'd like spacers to push the back wheels out a bit, not interested in changing studs though. I kinda like having the top on actually, and yes, I put miles on without it. Looks good; get 'er together an DRIVE IT!!
The studs are factory, but I'm using a 1" spacer that bolts to the stock studs and has separate studs to mount the wheel too that are aluminum off ebay. I was real lucky by going with the 1" instead of anything bigger because I had to cut the outter well out and roll the lip to clear the 9.5" wheel with 295/40's. The attached pic shows what they look like on.
Originally Posted by matthew79
Hellz yeah!!
Man, once you put on the 22's it went to a whole new level of awesomeness!!!
Thanks Matt! Love the edit reason..

Really, they weren't my 1st choice or even ever a wheel I wanted, but at $600 with decent tires, I felt like they worked. I actually wish I would have kept the 17" rally wheels just to swap once in a while, but oh well...
Originally Posted by C/10 King
Nothing like going "topless"!!!!! 
The whole reason I looked so long for a 2wd blazer was for the full topless effect, and loved driving it that way last summer. Funny thing is, seeing pics of it with the top on makes me love it both ways and a little more with the top on. I'll still have no top in the warm weather cuz it just feels dam cool...it's my 1st "convertible".
Originally Posted by bigblock68
looking good....mine was going to be a driver,then the nose came off..might as well pull the body...bought another frame and 2 years later it was done.this all looks familiar!!
Good thing it only took 2 years! That's actually not too bad...it's been almost a year and I'm just doing simple stuff. This is my 1st project I'm doing all on my own though, so I feel like I'm learning all over again and taking 5 times longer to do things than it should. Having a great time though, when I'm not pulling my hair out...haha
Originally Posted by jmedero
Loo. Ahhh the snow ball..... He and I are on daily speaking terms. Lol.
It looks good man.
Posted via Mobile Device
Thanks jmedero...and thanks again for the c-notches...I got them from ya a long time ago and they worked out great!
Originally Posted by Heavy Evy
Awesome rig!
Originally Posted by VA72C10
Looking great! Glad to see a build thread on it!
Thanks you two! I can't believe it took me this long to start one...oh well, better late than never!
Originally Posted by YBNORML
Looking sharp, looks like you got a real good start on things. I really like the wheels, a nice simple 5-star is always a winner in my book.
The wheels look good in the pics, but honestly, they aren't great. They are the cheapo's you find at the corner wheel shop...spray on chrome and all. Up close they aren't smooth, but like I said, they fit the budget and give it a decent wow effect. My original goal that fit the budget was the Boss 335's which I still may swap to some day, but might actually save up for an even better wheel once it's painted.