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Old 01-17-2012, 02:03 PM   #11
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Re: uh oh.67-72 or the 73-87? heres my dilemma

well the deals are still out there you have to look a little harder.I'm not one for be nice about my comments on here but its the truth.From 1990--2008 i seen more 1950==72 chevy trucks end up at the scrap yard do to people big ideas but little budgets.I seen hacked frames to hacked cabs .So before you think all is lost check with the salvation army for the donate a car or truck program you be really funny to find some real gems in there

One other would be check around and put the word out to the scrapers and put out a wanted order for a 1967--72 chevy truck most of the time you might find a 3/4 ton But look at the body it might be in sweet condition and for $500.00 it makes a sweet parts truck But that's how i go about finding a truck

go to the locale scrap yard look around and talk to some of the guys that look like they been in the business for a long time put a reward out for the truck you want instead of only a few eyes looking for it you have over 1000 scrapers that are all over the place put out finder fee's if you want the truck do some talking
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