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Old 09-03-2003, 11:53 PM   #13
440 american Horses
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Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: Anoka, MN USA
Posts: 470
I have a Griffin Aluminum 2-core radiator cooling my 440 horse small block. Works great, I just need to get an electric fan, she's never overheated, but does tend to start creeping up up when sitting in rushhour traffic in the summer heat. Paid $189 for it through Jeg's I think, or Summit, I don't remember.
Seth Petro

1969 Chev Short Step
425hp 350, TH400, big tires, fast truck
1979 Pontiac Trans Am
1991 Saturn SL1 - gas mileage! (and free)
1977 Buick LeSabre - for sale

May America bless God, and may God bless America
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