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Old 01-20-2012, 06:34 AM   #98
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Re: 72 K20 Cab Body & Paint Complete!

Thank you all very much for your compliments! For the longest time kept discovering more problems. Kept thinking to myself... Am I Ever Going To Get This Thing Done

The end is now in site!!!! Compliments over the past 21 months always got the adrenalin flowing. We all know these restorations are not easy and many of us probably have days when we come out to the garage and look at our pile of parts, get overwhelmed, and think ..... Why Did I Even Start This Project !!!.

My advice, make a To Do list, the adrenalin will start flowing, every time you cross off something. Get at least 1 thing done, even if it is a little 15 min job. My problem for a while was that I was crossing 1, but adding 2 or 3 more!!!

Also, don't let the Nay Sayers try to suck the energy out of you by saying What In The World Have You Got Yourself Into!!!! You can't restore that piece of junk!!!! I love hearing those same people see my project now and say WOW, I Never Thought It Would Look This Good.

It really feels good to show negative people you can have positive results with what they thought was a lost cause. Don't give up, you'll be much happier as you start to see results!
72Kay20 Bel Air, MD
1972 Hugger Orange K20 LWB
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