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Old 01-20-2012, 05:04 PM   #7
State of Confusion!

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Re: CRUD--Need Help with Air Compressor

Originally Posted by beautimus View Post
if you want to check the compressor valves, disconect the power. (unplug it)
then remove the air filter so that you have access to the intake port. put your hand over the hole and turn the compressor in the direction that it runs with the other hand. if the valves are working you will feel it suck air in and stop, suck air in and stop etc. if the valves are stuck or broken, it will suck air in, push air out, suck air in, push air out etc... also, those valves are not like an engine valve, they are super easy to replace. they look like a small hockey puck. just unbolt the head, lift out 2 hockey pucks, replace with 2 new ones and put a new gasket on there and rebolt the head. you'll be done in a half hour tops. Trust me, when you get in there, you will be surprised at just how easy this is. the only thing you have to be cautious of , is to make sure and get then turned the same way that the old ones were. no big deal at all. best of luck to you !
Tony thank you

Yep it felt live the valves and when I tore it apart, there was one valve in each head broke off. Harbor Freight still stocks the parts, so the replacements are on order. So hopefully in a week I will have the thing back together and functioning again.

Thanks again for the tips
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