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Old 01-24-2012, 11:49 PM   #423
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Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena View Post
lt155truck, I see you put what I THINK is bedliner(?) in your footwell areas and under the front fenders. Do you plan to leave it as-is in the footwells or will it be covered with carpet, paint, etc?

Did you shoot it with a Shutz gun or roll it in there, or what? I looked for a thread on your truck but I didn't find one. If you DO have one, please provide a link.
Hi Dan, yes it is sprayed bedliner. The bottom of the cab is done as well for protection and sound deadening.The footwell area will be covered in bound carpet with a polished strip at the door edge. No build thread as of yet, but will probably get something going. Basically I have owned it for 17 years with most of that being in primer. I made the decision to finish it 4 years ago after being diagnosed with cancer at 38. All is good now but definately life altering. The truck has spend the last couple of years in bodyshop prison but was paroled recently. But was worth the wait. I hope to have it done this summer. Send me a PM if you have anymore questions.
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