Originally Posted by Evil Trailblazer SS
I'm right there with you, but I knew going in that my post would likely not stay up. Instead of teaching members to use a little common sense before asking such ridiculous questions, we apparently have to play the role of teacher and help them to understand that what they said was far beyond stupid. Or we just have to keep letting them make fools out of themselves for fear of hurting their feelings.
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Originally Posted by Evil Trailblazer SS
Anyone who doesn't understand the concept of a firing order and it's effects on the symphony of various moving parts and the general harmonics of an engine should not be considering such radical changes. Dumb is dumb no matter how you slice it...I'm sorry, but that is the truth.
Posted via Mobile Device
All questions deserve an answer that is why we are a community. Belittling someone and acting like a superior fool is not beneficial to the community and is not acceptable. If you wanna act that way take it somewhere that is less inviting or friendly. That is the "truth" of how we do things around here.