Originally Posted by kanuck
Do I have to run all the lines or can I eliminate the vapor and return lines?
How about the rad support question?
Hi kanuck,
You can eliminate the 5/16" vapor line, but you'll need to leave that port on the sending unit open in order to vent the gas tank. Some trucks (over a certain GVW) came from the factory without vapor canisters and on those trucks GM simply installed a vent cap (like the ones used on transmissions/rearends) onto the vapor line fitting of the sending unit.
I believe the purpose of the 1/4" return line is to help prevent vapor lock. So keeping that might be a good idea. As you noticed, this (along with the 3/8" feed line) hooks to the mechanical fuel pump.
As for the radiator supports, the 73-80 ones use a separate bolt-on top panel that serves as a hood latch mount and fills the gap between the top of the radiator support & grille. I think that top panel is all stamped as one piece with the 81-up radiator supports.
There was an inside hood release option from 77-80 that you could use if you can find all the necessary parts. I think it'll work okay with the 74 grille you're planning on using.