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Old 01-26-2012, 12:24 PM   #40
406 Q-ship
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Re: Does Changing Firing Order make more Power?

Originally Posted by camshaftgsxr View Post
good info, but why does anyone make a 4/7 swap cam? it seems like its only going half way in sorting out the firing order.
Because sometimes racers can be lemings. There are plenty of modifications done that don't work any better than what the OEM did.

Originally Posted by Pyrotechnic View Post
Everyone always mentions the LS order being the same as The Ford 351W and late model 302...and it most certainly is, but don't ever get the notion that GM copied Ford on this one, or that Ford did it first.

A little know fact is that the Cadillac 472-500-425-368 use the LS firing order. The Cadillac 472 was introduced in 1968. The Ford 351W was introduced in 1969. GM used the firing order before Ford did. I've also read that the head design of the LS motor is loosely based on the Cadillac V8 as well.

GM actually did get it right!
I never said that Ford was the first, just that they did it right. For all I know that Cadillac, Oldsmoble, or Chrysler came up with the better firing order in the 1950's. For all I know, Chevrolet engineers may have came up withit in their 1st V8 in 1917!.
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