Re: George...
Having 2 trucks in my life caused a little confusion in my house between me and, lets call her the “Warden” for a few weeks. She would ask if we were taking the new truck, witch is confusing because the new to us truck is 43 years old and the old truck is 9, and that would spark a 5 min debate every time we left the house, so we named it George. There are simple solutions to everything and I have better things to do than go through that routine every day.
Speaking of not having enough time, George let me down for the first time! The tumblers in the ignition are so worn that you can take the key out in any position, so while it is running, when it is off, in the accessory position it doesn’t matter just pull it out and go. Well word to the wise, don’t take out the key when it is in accessory and drain the battery while you are at work. There is nothing worse than beer thirty with your friends and a dead truck! It only took 15 min and some jumper cables, but that is still frustrating.