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Old 01-26-2012, 03:43 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Thompsons Station, TN
Posts: 701
Project: Rufus Restoration

After many years of talking to my dad about doing a joint restoration of a classic ride, it's finally becoming a reality. We came across a truck that had made its way around town to a few different owners, and luckily found it's way home. A tired and worn down 1970 GMC longbed 2WD. My grandpa bought this truck off a used carlot in 1971-72 and only kept it for a couple yrs before trading it in for another ride. During those 2 yrs this truck was used for several different things, including hauling manure to fertilize gma's garden. Long story short, I was given the opportunity to purchase the truck and couldn't pass it up. Up front, I knew it was a major rust bucket, and was going to need a whole lot of TLC and $, but you only live once right. The sentimental value alone was enough to justify the project. Even though I never got a chance to meet my grandpa before he passed, I know he would be excited to see the restoration.

We've been working on the truck off and on for about a year now so I'll try to bring things up to current speed as soon as I can. Until then, I'll leave you with a few pictures from the day I drove it home.

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