Re: Interior stuff
Ironhorse----Wont be at swap meet, I have to work. I dont think cig lighter is lit type, and I dont have wire, it attached to wiring harness. $8 shoud cover it
Dahos----Pm me with zip and info
Sancho----Ill send ya everything with knobs if ya need it. $16 shipped in a flat rate box
Bigbadchev72----Two defroster vents, center vent, and two small tubes into 1 thing? $34 shipped for it all
Kev2809----Dash is a 68. Not sure how the ignition comes off and the bezel or surround is kind dinged up.
Projectjimmie68----$100 shipped
Daily-94 K2500 350 5spd extended cab longbox
Project Red Velvet-68 C20 396-th400-AC-PS-PB-all original except for the 8 track and the gun rack.
Build thread>>>>
My 01 TA and 88 Formula hide in the garage. :-)