I think that a set of 3.73 would work the best for all around use. Marv beat me to the math. However if the bug really bites you and you want the truck to really hook a set of slicks will get you there. However they are going to grow a fair amount, thus more gear is the safe bet, but street use suffers at least hwy driving will. since you said not much street use but a track toy, hit the gearing for all you can. 4.10 would be my choice. I love gearing!!!
A good convertor is worth its weight in gold, vs the el cheapo ones. And a ask me how I know deal is do not run one with out a anti ballon plate, and no trans brake on the stock TB 350 cast hub... not unless you want to see inside the trans from out side that is.
Gearing is the starting point from there you get to play with stall speeds..

advertised stall speeds are just that ,... its all about the set up. 3000 is not much really but never ran that small of a blower on a sbc either.. I ran a 4200-4500 for my old 355 in a s-15 truck with 4.56 gears most strip than street.
A blower will push the power out past what the cam is stated to do. In fact a blower cam needs duration and that is about it. Open the door fill the cylinder and make boost. We just complete a 120 CI harley engine with 14 lbs of boost on a pro charger it makes 222 hp and 175 tq. So do the math on what you can do with that set up. I ran a very large duration cam shaft to allow more time to fill the cylinder. take that and the car stuff I have done it has always come back to amount of duration vs time to fill the cylinder as rpm's increase.
Good luck on your hot rod truck sounds like its going to be fun.