Thread: Fuel gauge
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Old 01-30-2012, 10:10 AM   #8
78K & 79C Jimmys
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Re: Fuel gauge

In high school i put a switch in, that grounded the sending unit
leaving school tank would read empty,
buddies cough up a few bucks for a drive home ,stop for gas"click"
u got gas,read as normal lol

When i change /remove a gas tank/sending unit
I will bend up the float rod an inch or more
this will leave you more gas below empty,rather then gas over the full
for 2 reasons
1.more gas in tank less chance of freeze up at -40 almost a 1/4 tank ,to me it's like having the reserve on a motor bike lol

doing this the needle will go empty to full still ,
just now you might not have to walk @ E.

you can use the (prob almost any simular gm type)float out of the tank as well for testing
and the wrong float, not long enough, won't drop enough, either
dirt,rust,other debris
1978 GMCJimmy4X4-350/203
1979 GMCJimmy4X2-305/350
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