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Old 02-02-2012, 12:12 PM   #9
My Carbon Footprint
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Re: Considering selling the Prostreet C-10 but needs some marketing thoughts.

Originally Posted by VA72C10 View Post
First, I LOVE your truck!

Second... "don't do it!!!! You'll regret it!!!!"

I'd probably try asking for the price you want WITH the trans first. As you said, you're going to have to find a guy who wants a truck just like that. Pro-street with patina is a small niche. And the guy who sees your vision would likely like a manual and appreciate the M22. If you swap to auto, you WILL open up the market since lots of people like an auto for a "cruiser" pickup and more and more people have never even had a manual transmission....

I think 10-12 would be finding that "right person"

Judging from craigslist, ebay, and sales's likely a 6-8K truck right in the overall market now mainly because of the current economy...too many deals out there...I've seen trucks that have easily 25K in parts in them selling for 10-12K on ebay and craigslist.

I agree......I agree......and I agree! It sucks though because the nicer neighborhoods have the CC&Rs that will not allow for any crap parked in the roads or along side the houses. I also don't want to look like Sanford and Son just came to town.

I did find a place that has 8x8x40 fully enclosed storage units that rent for $125 a month. I could get BOTH rigs in there but now you are looking at $1,500 a year in storage. In 5 years that the value of the truck!!!! makes my head spin.
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