Thread: Lost My 65
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Old 02-02-2012, 01:32 PM   #148
But Found Her 25yrs Later!
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Re: Lost My 65

The owner emailed me back and said Great!
He said he was hoping I'd want it.
He said he had offers from others but didn't feel right with their possible motives for the truck. He said he's glad it's going to someone who'll appreciate it. He was pretty disgusted with some of the hack work some previous owner had done to it.

Myself, I'm thinking someone offered some past owner a couple hundred bucks for the buddy buckets and said they'd even throw in a replacement seat (the bench it has now) Some past owner had to of not understood the coolness of the old buddy buckets.
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I lost my 65 - Found it 25 years later:

66 C20 Service Truck:
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