First attempt at a build, 69 lwb
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02-02-2012, 02:17 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Akron ny
Posts: 83
First attempt at a build, 69 lwb
Finally got a good start on my 69 gmc LWB build up to the point of where i think i can get a decent build thread going with my progress. I have never taken on a project like this before, so this is quite the experience.
This is what im starting with. A 69 gmc i picked up drove for a few months then it kind of took back seat to everything else going on.
Didn't look like a bad start from the get go, has what seems like a pretty stout running 350 in it and cant see a lot of visual rust, i thought i was in the clear for a simple project to tackle for my first one. First up on my list of things to do is install a 4.5/6" ece drop kit.
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