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Old 02-05-2012, 11:22 PM   #12
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Re: '72 Blazer 4wd getting all the best

If I may ask, which push button setup are you going with... Also, could you outline all the items that are required for such a conversion..? I am on the fence in regards to going this direction as I have read over several forums where folks just do not like to deal with the problems associated with the electric push button option.. Maybe there were certain models/years they had issues with - who knows.. I just want something that is dependable..

Also you mentioned the ford axles were 8 lug.. I really want to keep my old school 5 spoke rims that are 6 lug.. Do they make any kind of conversion..
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In-work on my 5.3L/4L65E/NP208 case conversion into a 1972 GMC JImmy 4x4... Not as simple as it looks folks..
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