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Old 02-07-2012, 01:06 AM   #8
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Re: Battery, coil, distributor help..

OOPs, thought you had an earlier truck

One thing to put in the memory bank. The lead from the coil to the distributor will always be the same as the ground on the battery. If the battery has a negative - ground the minus or negative post on the coil will connect to the distributor.

Unless you have a resistor coil you will need a ballast resistor as Ogre suggested. You then will need a resistor bypass wire that runs to the + post on the coil Since you have a foot operated starter you will probably have to figure out how to rig one up. The truck will start otherwise but it will start a lot easier

Most guys would run the ground (negative) cable to the block and then run a ground strap from the engine to the frame and one from the engine tto the body it's self. The idea is to make sure that everything that needs to be grounded has a good ground circuit to work with.

Last edited by mr48chev; 02-07-2012 at 01:16 AM.
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