Thread: cowl hoods
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Old 02-07-2012, 04:00 AM   #19
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Re: cowl hoods

Hey... Donīt pick on the white Rangers! Had one last winter and it served well. Never had to care about washing or caring for it. Got me to work every morning and home in the evening and it was a diesel. Bought it for 200 bucks and when spring came I drove it straight to the scrapper turned off the ignition and collected 150$ on my way out. Canīt ask much more of an old beater
The fleet:
2007 BMW 530xi M (daily driver)
1986 C-10 Stepside (project "my time")
1992 Corvette cab (summer time daily driver)
1969 Cadilac DeVille Cab ("it just need some paint")
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