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Old 02-07-2012, 04:34 AM   #23
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Re: edelbrock-holley

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What!? Barry Grant!
My enthusiasm for Barry grants has long passed due to their LACK of customer service and horrible quality control. Crappy gaskets and cheap needle valves and bulky misaligned accelerator pump pieces. If they had kept the original Holley parts with the time proven design and put more care into assembly deburing and overall making things like the floats and valves with PRECISION then yes they are good- just not worth the money since you have to throw a lot of it away and make a call to Holley.

I myself have a Barry grant modified Holley 750. It works great after replacing both floats and valves with original Holley parts and getting rid of their crap accelerator pump arms. And some actual non stick gaskets from Holley and a blow out protection valve. So yah after that they are great

There's a reason summit don't have them anymore. They just plain give holleys and four barrel carbs a bad rep. Sad to see after you known how barry grant came to be. Then went in the opposite direction they did for sure
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