Thread: 72 RAT Build.
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Old 02-07-2012, 09:02 AM   #31
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Re: 72 RAT Build.

The thought is to go with something similar to the attached.

However the bumpers will be black.. and the wheel centercaps. may change from current ones. will see when that time comes...

Star will be black with white trim....

I think i will leave it a solid Army green color.... I thought about the white cab, but for my first paint job, im going to stick with a solid color..

The plan was getting a smooth tailgate or tailgate cover and in place of where it would usually say Chevy, it would be the U.S. ARMY.

Then somewhere on the front bumper and rear bumper i would put a "truck number"

O.D. Green is olive drab green. But the actual paint i am looking at now is Army Matte Green.
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Originally Posted by prostreetC-10 View Post
Some trucks in the air, some layin' frame.
some are super cool, and some kinda lame.
Some kinda slow, and some really fast.
some run on 110,and some on pump gas!
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