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Old 02-07-2012, 10:51 AM   #9
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Location: Strathmore, Alberta
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Re: Canadian Rustbucket 66

Insides of doors, installed dynamat and wont put the glass in until the doors are on. Too heavy to lift. Spent at least 25 hours on each door installing the one piece glass/ elec windows. A whole lot of grief and a ton of adjustments. Note the missing metal needed to install. Also the flat bar bracing around the hole, and rod welded inside the door across the top. There is a 3/8 rod under the outer door skin about 2 inches down and runs most the length of the door. The door loses some rigidity when you take the vent window out. I have jotted down about 20 points that the instructions don't tell you about, if anybody wants to do this, it will be helpful.
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