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Old 02-07-2012, 12:08 PM   #8
Stalker Nate
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Langley, BC, Canada
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Re: Going rate of a short bed?

Originally Posted by CC69Rat View Post
Going to have to disagree, at least in SE USA it's $300+ for a good straight what you called MINT step fender and they are tough to find. Probably just a market thing in different areas of the US vs. Canada.

I could have sold mine 4-5 times, not sure I would call it a difficult sell. Fleetsides go for $600-800+ depending on condition around here.

Yeah, I had my stepside which was great shape for sale for $400 for a long time and nobody wanted it lol Another guy I know had a MINT painted stepside shorty I could've bought for $200, but I knew I couldn't sell it up here so I didn't. Different places across the country get different prices, that's why it's best to look on the local Craigslist within 500miles to check prices.
1957 GMC SWB stepper modified summer time driver
1963 Chevy Fire Dept. Command Center Van 2 ton - future food vending truck project
1965 Chevy P10 Ice Cream Truck project

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