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Old 02-08-2012, 02:57 PM   #10
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Re: Canadian Rustbucket 66

Here are my dash pieces, the glove box door, heater control piece, and ash tray were all chrome, then I had the inserts of them painted brown to match the interior. I have an air brush artist friend and I want to have him paint the Chevy trucks ad in the next picture onto the glove box door. The ad came from a 1965 Life magazine, not sure what month. The paper was pretty rotten, so I had it laminated to save what was left. Note the red seat cover in the white truck, a fairly rare option. It reminds me of growing up on the farm, and the harvest each year. We couldn't afford 2 new trucks like the guys in the picture, but it brings back a lot of memories as a kid. I think it will make a cool glove box.
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