Thread: Lost My 65
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Old 02-08-2012, 10:11 PM   #185
But Found Her 25yrs Later!
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Re: Lost My 65

Originally Posted by 1Bad62Pro/Street View Post
I know it must feel good to have her back in your driveway.
She looks good and I like the stance.
What is your plans with her now you have her back?

I've parked it under cover until I get my 66 back together.
I originally planned on doing all the patch panels on my 66 after I got it back together and mechanically sound, but instead my work on the 66 will stop at being a safe and reliable truck, but cosmetically lacking.

Then, I'll pull my 65 into my shop/barn and start taking her apart and clean her up panel by panel.
Mechanically my old 65 is good enough for now. The previous owner put a lot of work into the mechanical portion. Although; the brakes need help.
My focus, however, will be to get it cosmetically preserved.
From what I can see at this point as far as patch panels is the bottom rear of the front fenders. I'll see as I dig into it. Most likely cab corners and rockers.
I'll keep the wheels because I want to preserve features the previous owner put his heart into. And I really like the way they look with the truck.
The older man was so glad it was going back to me.
His change in health prevented him from completing his vision, so the wheels will remain for him.

Yes, the stance is perfect. Exactly how I like it.
I lost my 65 - Found it 25 years later:

66 C20 Service Truck:
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