you want to see it more muddy you should have seen it about a week after that pic was took, we had been hauling hay and it had been raining and snowing the past 2 weeks, by the time i got to clean it it was almost solid brown up to the top of the bed

those are 16x8 eagle alloy 0589s, which we got very lucky with... caught them on sale and got caps lugs and wheels for $85 each. they just said 89 6 lug chevy 4x4 and thats what they sent us so we didnt really have a choice on the offset, i like it though. trying to save up $2300 for a 330 horse 380 torque scoggin dickey vortec head crate engine (it has 220K miles, im going to try to run it to 230K)
heres my clean pic for you casey, this is about a year older then the one with the hay, when we had just bought the wheels and had all terrain tires on it.. thats my dad posing next to his tobacco crop