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Old 02-09-2012, 09:13 AM   #4
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Re: What did you use for seat(s) in your 48-54 build? Pictures?

Hey, my seats are out of my truck right now - that's the phase of project that I'm about to start - buildling the base for my interior and getting those seats back in.

I'll try to get you a picture of the seats today though.

I am using seats from a Dodge Dakota - they fit perfectly in my 49, have a cup holder built into the base (pop-out, 2 cups) and are like high-back buckets with a built-in, fold-up console that becomes a 3d seat if you need it.

Very nice setup for our old trucks - the only disadvantage is you can't recline far because of the high backs - kinda hard on a old back on those long trips.
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