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Old 02-09-2012, 12:10 PM   #6
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Re: What did you use for seat(s) in your 48-54 build? Pictures?

The seat that Handful 54 showed above in post 5 looks great and looks like it would give more leg room than the majority of seats you can find.

The 88 and up bench seats seem to be a good option and you could modify the bases to get the seat a bit higher or lower real easy. The lean backs on those don't take up a lot or room either.

Too many of the "great looking" seats we find and put in these trucks have lean backs that are way too thick to allow for room between the wheel and the seat or for decent leg room. The seats out of extended cab trucks usually fit that mold with the extra padding on the back side of the leanback.

For a stock cab it's still hard to beat an original seat that a good trimmer has redone and updated to be more comfortable.
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