Eric, no prob
Ryan, yes I have the pads but no chrome pieces, you can have them. Holley carb $20. Shifter boot and ring $10
205harleyman, sorry I don't ship grills. Top is sold. All my hatches need some work
BB72CHEVKT, KT, I'll get some pics of it Fri, also I do have a set of exhaust manifolds, one witll need a stud drilled out and replaced $30 for pair plus ship
Kingsolver72, Scott, No problem on fender. It keeps me humping around here thats for sure
oklalawnboy, need a light
wabash15, parchment belts are yours
1970chevychamp, I need to give the other guys a bit of time, since they asked ahead of you
Muskey, sorry no BB mounts right now but I have a 72 BB truck coming in soon
Drewbee, Drew, I don't think I have a FM radio out there
Thanks Randy