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Old 02-10-2012, 10:51 PM   #1
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Transfer case swap.

Well, basically I'm removing the SM465/NP208 from a 1988 Blazer and replacing it with a rebuilt SM465/NP205 from a 1980 Blazer.

The 12 bolt rear is already in it, so the front and rear driveshafts will bolt right in. Going to use the 1988 hydraulic bell since it's already set up for that. Have the crossmember, and new mounts are going in. Anything I'm missing?

...what's funny is this whole idea started because the Blazer needs a rear main
1991 Mustang GT Vert, T-5 w/ Pro 5.0, Trick Flow upper & lower, BBK cold air intake, 3:73, BAMA chip, etc.
1988 K5 Blazer, [coming soon] TBI 400, SM465/NP208, 12 bolt rear, 3:08's, looks like a 1980.
1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.0 fully loaded daily driver!
Where there's a will, there's a rig!
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