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Old 02-10-2012, 11:57 PM   #12
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Re: Power Steering Pump Question

ok so if you need a bolt to put on there so you can attach the pump to the bracket, my suggestion is (going on the notion that u don’t have the old one any longer) go to autozone and ask if they have the bolt to sell or buy another one and take it with u to a hardware store or a bolt place to use it to find the correct thread size and just buy one about two inches long. it is the one right above the lines.

here is a curve ball to this, it should not be leaking from that hole as it is a hole that is capped as you can see in the pic. go to autozone and ask to look at one and you will see that it is capped and it does not go through open to the inside. unless the manufacturer has a totally different style.
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