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Old 02-11-2012, 02:16 AM   #1
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T-case swap Opinions Needed!

My 79's Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 long box 4in lift 33's built 350/th400/np203..

The Np203 is a big old slug, it works fine makes a little chain noise once every so often but no problems yet. I don't ever run it in 4hi with locked in hubs like your suppose to, I always go 4hi lock with the hubs unlocked for a 2 wheel drive. I don't know a whole lot about the T-Case but I changed the oil in it, and I know its really heavy.

I got a np208 case I could through in the truck and it is fine, Is it worth the swap for weight loss or is it just a waste of time.

I have a feeling the Np203 is a lot longer than the 208 so I will have problems with getting driveshafts to fit right?

Well if anyone has ever done this what do you think.. Worth it or Not?

Thanks, Swid
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