Question about the tailgate????
I have a question that I hope the experts can help me with.
On my 87 Surburban my tailgate wont latch on the passenger side. If you pull on it real hard it will come open.
I think that someone put a lot of weight on the tailgate, before I owned it, and this is why it wont close. When I bought it, I found both cables being snapped in two, and lots of what I think is cement dust in the gate.
The gate is pretty much free of rust, but like I said wont fully close.
I am wondering if this gate could be twisted, or if the passenger side hinge is what is keeping it from closing. ?
Does it have an adjustment on the latch?
I have found a two gates, but they are not cheap. 350.00 to 400.00 is the cheapest I can find. I dont want to shell out a bunch of money if it is a hinge, or a latch.
Any thoughts????