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Old 02-16-2012, 12:49 AM   #137
vintage car junkie
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Posts: 217
Re: project: What did I get myself into 50 chevy

Almost forgot to post this! I came up with a good cheap alternative to body mounts. Wish I had used these instead of the more expensive body mounts I bought a while back. These are for V8 belaire engine mounts part number 602-1044. 1045 is the same but a little larger. Best part is these are under $3 each. I used them for my rad support.

Finished up the frame section today, decided to punch some "speed holes" for some visual appeal and to help route wiring and air line. Mounted up the air tank also.

Made some mounts and hung the front bumper finally. Still need to adjust it, hood is not lining up properly on the drivers side though. Looks like I got that left front rad mount a little too high. Easy fix.

Speed holes and frame graft. Wish I had thought this through a little more I could have made it look a little more seamless from the top if I had done it differently. Was more focused on strength even though this doesn't support anything really. Doubt I will be hauling anything in the bed of this one! Wait till you see the wood floor I built!

1950 chevy truck, s10 swap, bagged, v8, 18s
My build:
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