Re: Parting 71 gmc lb
supercheyenne1972 - pair up. bed mldg $175, shipped UPS grnd
pair eyebrows $107, shipped flat rate USPS
total $282 (both to residence)
PM to exch. addresses if you are good
Kellytheaker - Steering wheel is NG, crumbling off of core. Assumming you're ref. to the "used" mldgs. I mentioned in 1st entry, $50 for all - I will add pic. Antenna w/ cable - $15 - pic. coming. Pair door handles, pitted, $10 - pic. coming
Critterman71 - rolling chassis to mean frame w/ rear suspension, rear axle, front suspension and sway bar - $175. I would need time to remove rest of body/cab, motor/trans/shaft
Pic. coming of rest of truck
Last edited by TDBFIXIT; 02-17-2012 at 07:21 PM.