Thread: VA Parting 71 gmc lb
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Old 02-17-2012, 08:06 PM   #11
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Alexandria, VA
Posts: 45
Re: Parting 71 gmc lb

Adding the following and pics:
hood brace sponge cusions, new - $10
cargo lamp, pitted chrome, lens and gasket good - $15 (SOLD)
pair window rubber, new, not sure what for - $15 (black, taped together)
GMC/Custom emblems, a bit rough, could be consid. decent? - $10 all
pair door handles, pitted - $10 (work good)
door/lock gasket set, new - $4 SOLD
pair wiper arms - $15
Pair door locks/clips - $10 ( I have a key) SOLD
pair stainless door edge trim - $15 (SOLD)
gate handle trim, pitted - $5
Antenna, w/ cable - $15 SOLD
used body mouldings, dings dimples not too bad, need some cleaning and paint.....$30 for all shown
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Last edited by TDBFIXIT; 07-27-2012 at 01:26 PM. Reason: update
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