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Old 02-18-2012, 10:59 PM   #7
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Re: Got my bed in, but something isn't right...(long post w/pics)

Originally Posted by luvbowties View Post
Hello, mweishaa,too bad painter tossed original sills! These bolt-in kits tend toward a jig-saw puzzle when spacing, interchanging boards, strips etc. to adequately cover all the bedspace! I've got a couple of ideas where probs might have come from. 1st, is yours a 3/4 ton which maybe has different hole-design or # bolts going all way thru wood? Maybe it uses a rubber pad(between middle sills and u-shaped supports) with only short bolts up thru support, pad, and then the sill-flat, with a nut on top of the sill-flat? 2nd, there maybe more differences between fleet-and step-side sills than we detected? 3rd, maybe a difference between gmc vs. chevy; i.e., like in some even-same-year-apps, gmc only offered leaf springs where chev had coils.
Idea: since u already drilled holes from the top & down thru the wood, who'd ever know if you epoxied or butyl-rubbered some cutoff bolts into those holes--only the pretty bolt-heads would show?!?
Hope this is not too much "rigging" to suit you. Luck with your project.

*Sorry: somehow I got the idea you bought gmc sills to go on a chevy; still, the ones u got may be from a chevy, like too close to detect a difference.
I had some of the same ideas about hole patterns. But.. the wood I got from Mar-K had the holes pre-drilled. And there are 8 holes, which match the 8 bolts they sent me too. So for the bed-to-frame stuff, it seems like they would know what they're doing. As for the seemingly 3 extra angle holes per side, I'm a little stumped. If I can get the same bolts, I could just put nuts on them underneath and call it a day - they just won't really do much functionally. And I can fab up sometime to fill the gaps between suports and frame. I would like to know the whole story though.
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