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Old 02-19-2012, 11:36 PM   #2
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Re: my "71 C10 project

Well I cleaned the garage enough today to get started. I will be using tips from a few threads on this site and want to give props to the authors. The bed shortening tips goes to Rockrin and the thread is here, The tail light gas filler tip goes to Hugger and can be found here, I took a few pictures after the layout. Using Rockrin's tips it really was very straight forward and seems to have laid out square. I used a piece of cardboard as a flexible straight edge on the inside of the bed to mark the cut lines on the sides. I found a cruddy mess (surface rust) behind the taillight but that will get removed. I am picking up a supply of cut off wheels this week and will get to hackin next weekend. I hope to have all the layout done (front and rear) and do both cuts and some fab work on the tail light gas filler assembly by the end of next weekend. I'll post up pics of the mayhem. Have a good week all...
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